Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The taxman cometh, or rather his henchman, the field assessor, to check, document and photograph the minute details outside your home (and inside if you give him permission) all in the name of re-evaluating the tax digest of real property (your home and garden). In last week’s letter I mentioned the 4th Amendment that has its origins in England in the indelibly understood phrase…“an Englishman’s home is his castle” (at least until the queen returns).

Well not so much in America anymore. Take a moment to check the property listing for your home on the Dawson County Tax Assessor’s website - (Search Records) - and you may be surprised to see that you have been one of those selected to have extra photographs of your decks, docks, outbuildings, barns and garages (including equipment and cars with identifying license tags) along with views of how to access your property from adjoining Public Lands, all posted (and downloadable) on this most public website. Invasion of privacy and security risks immediately spring to mind, followed by how much time and effort (=cost) went into uploading all these extra data? What next, pictures of the inside of our homes taken through our windows by peeping field assessors?

When did the policy of publishing just the front view of a property, as seen from the road, change to publicly inventorying backyard possessions and vistas from private patios and decks? In my opinion this is an open invitation for homeowner abuse, offering tempting options to thieves to take property so readily displayed in public, not to mention what the tax assessors may choose to use their ever growing dossier on you for. Watch for men with guns in bullet proof vests carrying yellow tape?



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